Unity Healthcare – Blog

Your Health, Our Priority: Now Open Saturdays!

Date Posted: 01/02/2025

Unity Immediate Care Center is now open on Saturdays! UICC WALK-IN HOURS Monday through Friday: 8AM – 6PM Saturday: 8AM – 6PM

Welcome Dr. Paul Warrick, Ear Nose & Throat of Lafayette

Date Posted: 01/27/2020

Unity Healthcare is pleased to announce Paul Warrick, MD FACS FAAOA has joined our multi-specialty group and will start seeing patients at his new practice, Ear Nose & Throat of Lafayette in Spring 2020.  Ear Nose & Throat of Lafayette is located at 3930 Mezzanine Drive, Suite D, Lafayette, IN.   Dr. Warrick completed his…

Happy Retirement Dr. Hagen!

Date Posted: 12/27/2019

Thank you Dr. Hagen for your years of service to both the community and to Unity Healthcare. We wish you the best with your retirement.  

Lafayette Cancer Care has received re-certification by the QOPI® Certification Program LLC

Date Posted: 04/23/2019

January 25, 2019– Lafayette Cancer Care has received re-certification by the QOPI® Certification Program LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Inc. (ASCO®). The QOPI® Certification Program builds on ASCO’s Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI®), providing a three-year certification for outpatient hematology-oncology practices that meet nationally recognized standards for quality…

Unity Healthcare and Franciscan Health Raised Funds For The YWCA Women’s Cancer Program

Date Posted: 02/22/2018

February 22, 2018, Lafayette, Indiana –Today at the YWCA, Unity Healthcare and Franciscan Health presented a check for $46,877.49 to the YWCA Greater Lafayette Women’s Cancer Program. The money was raised at the Annual Ultimate Pink Party hosted by Unity Healthcare and Franciscan Health. The event was held on October 20, 2017 at the Purdue Memorial Union…